You know sometimes just sometimes i think that maybe I'm too silly and random at times to be a Youth Minister but then I'm reminded that i don't need to be serious...lol...So boo yah enemy!!!God Holds me!!!
SO yea whew yesterday was amazing. I caught a Matinee in BK saw that ummm batman movie ummm..The Dark Knight. The craziest happened like half way into the movie the lights cut on and then when the credits started rolling the lights were on again it sucked....So yea who was i with i was with Avery,Dawn, and Greg as well as occasionally Althea. SO we pretty much hung from 1 til after 10.
After the movies we went to 42nd where we walked to the Pier..afterward we went to the park played some ball, swung on the swings and played on the set. And After that we walked to the chocolate stores, and visited Sam Ash, and Toysrus played kickball in the store hulla hooped...give or take some more events along the way yesterday was amazing full of food fun and community silliness.
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