Monday, August 25, 2008

Time, Time and Time Again

How you spend your time is very important because a lot of things require time, finances, friendships, fun, serious things, family, just to name a few. Its very important to stop the habit of relaxing and slacking off after a spiritual high. I'm guilty of doing this so many times but im so glad that the Holy Spirit keeps after me reminding me although i have to admit i am hardheaded at times ok maybe a have to learn balance i need to pray that i learn balance i need to learn how to include God in the things i do and not separate them. I believe what it is is although these things are important to me i don't feel they are important enough for me to go to God about unless i'm trying to put some truth or Gospel in it. (things = videos, video stuff) i have been up for the most part but today i was down not too much but enough for me to notice how i have been spending my time and how i need to re prioritize and not slack off after a spiritual high.

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