OK the day actually wasn't terrible i just said that for dramatic effect i just cant shake a certain feeling that freaking nagging feeling of inadequacy that stems from trying to do everything myself in my own strength alongside with blame and annoyance with my own imperfection that i probably like to keep hidden I'm way hard on myself for real but anyways after saying all of that i thought I'd write a poem/reflection instead of going in anymore and then I'm going to pray and lay in my bed and rest.
I should see the cracks because they show me I'm human
I should see the imperfections because they show me where Your hands are
I should see the dimming of my pride
So i can see Your life then and now
I should see my flaws because they show me I'm not in control
I love when i see what Your hands have designed and blessed me with
I love when i see that i had faith and you gave it to me
I love when my heart is weary and you come and wrap Your perfect love around me
I don't like when i become selfish I don't like when i make everything about me
I don't like when i draw on my own strength acting as if i can do it all with You
I don't like when i don't say Thank You
I don't like when i become so consumed that i put You in the back
I don't like when i depend on myself to help others and fail and then realize i should have called on You
You correct me because You love me and yet i feel like i keep getting corrected for the same thing over and over
Thank You for having patience with me Because you loved me first and loved me so much that You sent Your Only Son
I should see my imperfections because I am made perfect in You
Thanks for working it all out in my weakness
Thanks for Loving me and for not turning Your face.
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