yea i had a pretty good day today for real :)
let me go backwards lol
I just came back from a four hour long washing session at the laundry mat that joint was mad intense i was like washing all my winter clothes lol yay laundry
before that i planned to go to my grandmothers house and keep her some company but my mom called cuz she was in the mood to clean hence the four hour laundry session
prior to that i went to a Leaders meeting at my church that meeting was the bomb!!! Like just sharing about grace and what we do or don't understand about it man talk about transparency i love it!!! I was able to share my thoughts as well and listen to people this was definitely my niche I'm so glad i found my new church and i have a job there for the next two years and paid :) and we had pizza and juice and it was about 13 ppl if u don't count the pastor his wife and their child...it was definitely amazing.
prior to that i was at church the meeting was at church too but i was in service great message and dialogue it was also on Grace :) so yea im feeling good
ooo huh its mothers day oh yea uhhhh
i bought this card for my mom one you could record a voice but i think its broken so pretty much she didn't get anything and i didn't tell her about it and she didn't ask is that wrong?
and i chilled with Dawn that was kewl too.
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