Aww man today was great woke up did some email checking and twittering and facebooking and such catching up with friends and praying for their needs. I went to a 20/20 Training meeting it was great. 20/20 Vision for schools churches partnering up with schools and being a resource and a change agent. And some revelations and things clicking or happening came over me today while at the meeting and I was just overjoyed for real!!! Last semester my first semester at school when i went to my Intro to Youth Ministry class and the professor asked about our areas of ministry i felt at a disadvantage because everyone there had a ministry that they led or co-led in. Although i felt disadvantage it was hard for me to feel discouraged because i was just like God brought me this far and i was just like for some reason i feel like next year I'm going to have a ministry I'm working in although i don't see anything now. And God has orchestrated that i am now the Children's Ministry Coordinator at my new home church. A church where i feel so comfortable its my niche i was writing about yesterday. It feels great every time i go. The second amazing thing today was that i was connected to everyone in some way basically almost everyone there knew someone i went to school with or knew my Pastor and i met this really kewl lady named Yolanda. The third mind blowing thing was i wanted to chill with Dawn today but i wasn't sure how with like my money situation and Dawn's errands i didn't wanna have to rush or make her feel rushed so anyway after networking and talking even talking outside of the building i finally said goodbye and started walking and praying and thinking about what i was going to eat for dinner and then i ran into Dawn oh man yea so we chatted and walked it was really kewl man what a day :)
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